Sometimes a really good high school athlete attends a trial session and doesn’t end up joining our strength and conditioning program…and I’m surprised.
I’m surprised because I’ve received a consistent message from both the parents and the athlete that the goal is to play at the next level…
I’m surprised because the athlete had a solid trial session and there’s no logistical issue keeping them from training with us…
I’m surprised because 9 times out of 10 an athlete like I’ve just described joins our program, but in this case the athlete does not.
I believe the root of the problem is that the training session made the athlete UNCOMFORTABLE….and they didn’t like it and didn’t want to repeat it!
Flash to our Winter Garden strength and conditioning facility where this athlete - who is actually fast in their sport - looks and feels very awkward performing our speed drills. They are coached on how to shuffle athletically (move laterally) despite the fact that no coach has ever seen any problem with their technique before. They are corrected by certified strength and conditioning coaches on their push-ups, squatting motion, and jumping mechanics for the first time in their lives. They feel embarrassed having to use only the bar the first day for certain high-technique exercises while others who are more skilled and trained-up are loading up the bars. They feel totally inadequate doing pull-ups. Get the picture?
They don’t like being uncomfortable and don’t understand that within that uncomfortableness lies their true untapped potential!
They need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Now what if getter a step faster, becoming more agile, and displaying more strength is required NOW for that athlete to ultimately obtain that scholarship?
Parents, don’t let your athlete make a poor decision based upon uncomfortableness. Let’s help them grow and reach their full potential!
To the betterment of your athlete,
Dan Bessetti, Owner and Head Coach, Total Athlete Training