Self-Confidence in Sports

Self-Confidence in Sports

Parents and Coaches,

Athletic Confidence can be compared to a brick wall…and your athlete needs to become a bricklayer.

However, the bricklayer must be ready to work and that work may take a while and can be painstaking.  He or she must show up with the intention of getting at least one solid brick laid every day – perfectly.  If that brick is perfect then other bricks can be laid on top of it.  A solid brick will not fall from a “gust” of another’s opinion or crumble from external pressure or more damaging -  internal pressure.

True confidence comes from challenge.  Doing something that is easy builds nothing more than a paper mache wall.  Playing on a team where your athlete is heads-above everyone else may be fine for a 6-year old or a recreational athlete, but won’t foster maximized athletic development.  Serious youth and high school athletes need challenge to build the kind of confidence that supports reaching their true potential.

We train bricklayers at Total Athlete Training.  There are no short-cuts to building the best personal and athletic version of yourself just as there are no short-cuts to building a solid brick wall.  

To the self-confidence of your athlete,


Dan Bessetti

Owner / Head Coach

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